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DAY 5 (page 1 of 4): Wednesday, August 13, 2003

8:26 pm
- Kevin and team check out the web journal.


Good afternoon again to everyone! It's now Day 5 and the kayakers are presently en route to Merrickville. They left Smith Falls around 1 pm this afternoon and they estimate that it'll take them about 5-6 hours to paddle the 22 km to Merrickville. It's about 30C today which means they'll be drinking tonnes of gatorade and H20 to stay hydrated.

Last night, the team pulled into Safari Marina around 5:30 pm. They were a pretty tired crew but it's cool to see how the team's really started to gel together the last couple of days.

After setting up their tents and sleeping gear, everybody pulled up their chairs to spend a bit of quality time together before supper. About 25 pizzas arrived for the hungry crew at 7 pm, and they really hit the spot.

Gradually, people starting making their way to have their first shower of the trip. When there's only one shower, people tend to be pretty strategic about it, picking times where there's likely no lines or people flushing the toilets on them --- like 2:30 am, right John? :)

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6:46 am - Pierre-Paul is our acting milk pitcher this morning.

6:48 am - Jason warms up some leftover pizza for breakfast.

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